Middle School Classes

If your student is making the transition from enrichment classes to weekly instructional classes, we recommend taking a gradual approach to the change. Younger students in the 5th and 6th grades do best taking 1-3 upper school classes and getting used to the routine of weekly classes with daily assignments to be completed at home the rest of the week. There are a few middle school classes offered each year that are appropriate for 5th graders such as English 5/6 and Middle School Chemistry/Physics. A 6th grader will find even more options such as Earth Science, literature, and art.
Students in 7th and 8th grades are usually ready for the rigor of more classes and may take as many classes as you choose. We offer a wide array of upper middle school classes in core subjects with elective subjects varying each year.
Students in all middle school courses should expect to take notes in class, to use a Schoology account to receive and submit their assignments, and to submit their assignments on given due dates. Parents are expected to grade daily assignments in some classes such as English and math. Parents should also expect to need to monitor student's progress on weekly assignments, especially in the lower grades. You know your child best and you know if they have finished their work to your standards or not. Instructors give letter grades in nearly all middle school courses. Please read each instructor's syllabus for details on their grading process.
CHEB students may register for study hall at any point during the day, however, they are not allowed to register in concurrent sessions. In the event of a student having a large gap in his course schedule, we recommend the parents to pick their students up for the break and return later in the day.